Inbjudan Formula offroad Classic Car Week 2024 29/7

Invitation to Formula Offroad Classic Car Week “Norgemesterskap
runde 3“ in Jutjärns lime-pit Rättvik, Sweden

It is a great pleasure for SMK Uppsala to invite Formula Offroad drivers from
Iceland, Norway, Sweden,Denmark, Finland and Switzerland to come to Sweden.
The race rules will be held according to the Norwegian Formula Offroad
Championship Regulations and the safety rules according to SBF 2017 and
supplementary regulations published for the event.

Organizer: SMK Uppsala

Name of the races: 2024 Formula Offroad Classic Car Week Championship “Norgesmesterskap runde 3 (SBF-OR-7)

Time and place: Formula Offroad race 29 july 2024 Jutjärns Lime-pit, Rättvik

Coordinates: 60.981362, 15.255270

Head of Race/course: Fredrik Mahlin or Emil Lindström

Head Judge: Ulf Modin

Organizing committee: Emil Lindström, Peeter Jöers, Leena Bodefjäll and Fredrik Mahlin

Chief scrutineer: Magnus Dahls

Track Master: Daniel Båth

Chief of point referees: Jacob Blomqvist

Chief of Depot: Tommy Björklund

Chief of stewards: Peeter Jöers

Secretariat: Leena Bodefjäll Tel. +46 70 238 6319 (Leena Bodefjäll) e-mail: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

Classes: Modified and Unlimited.

Limitations: Minimum 12 entered vehicles for the race Maximum 30 entered vehicles for the race 

Registration to e-mail: Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.  Entry is open until 30 june In the notification, team name, Names of drivers and team members (Everyone in the team, including children, so that we can get the right number of wristbands) ,Phone number and email. Cancellation can be made free of charge 24 hours before the start

Start No: List of start no is here

Entry fee: 150 EURO/1500 SEK Pay by card or cash at place.

Late entry: Late entry is possible until 20 july for an additional fee of 50 EURO/ 500 SEK

Tracks: Six tracks will be driven one timed track.

Sports programme:

Saturday 27 july
The depot is open from 10.00
The depot is in central of Rättvik(Coordinates: 60.888004, 15.139202 ) until 16:00
Sunday 30 July when it’s open at the competition area.

Sunday 28 july in Jutjärns Lime-pit
At 16.00-21.00 Check-in, registration and payment
At 18.00-21.00 Technical inspection/scrutinizing at place in depot

Monday 29 july Competition day in Jutjärns Lime-pit
At 07.00-8.00 Check-in, registration and payment
At 07.00-8:30 Technical inspection/scrutinizing
At 09.00 Drivers and official briefing and presentation of the courses
At 09.30-10:30 Test course is open. Test course will be opened on request to head of security during the day.
At 10.45 Line Up
At 11.00 Start
At 16:00 The competition ends approx
After the competition all need to go back to the central depot. Later in the evening the Prize giving ceremony will be in our depot in central of Rättvik (Coordinates: 60.888004, 15.139202 ) with a common dinner.
Tuesday 30 july to Thursday 1/8
The central Depot is open for teams for camping during the Classic car week.
Messages/information: Results will be announced shortly after each course at the
secretary. Additional information to the competitors will be given at the same

Prize-giving: 1/3 drivers in each class will be awarded with trophies in each event. There will also be an award trophy for ”Best in Show” and “Fastest in timetrack”.

Special regulations:
All drivers must keep their pit area clean and tidy and leave it totally cleaned. Smoking is prohibited on the starting grid.
All race cars must have a tarpaulin underneath the car in the pit. The tarpaulin must be one that reaches at least one meter out of the car at all four sides. There shall be no holes in it, and have a thickness of 600g/m2. If the team does not have a tarpaulin that fills the regulations there will be a fee of 2 000 SEK.
Please note that driving and alcohol don’t work together, which includes team members as well as drivers and stewards.
The drivers and mechanics can be taken in for alcohol control before the race on Monday.
All notes about fails from earlier technical inspections must been taken care of before the race.

All team members receive a Classic car week wristband which gives entry to some of the events during the week. (included in start fee). Tell us in the registration how
many you are in the team.
On Sunday 28 july all drivers are invited to drive Classic car hill climb. A rally stage up the slalom slope at right angle, which must be run twice with as equal time as
possible. Follow this link to attend:
And send it to Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.
For more information regarding Classic car week

Welcome to Rättvik!

SMK Upspala

Svenska Offroadcupen Final 4/11


Den 4/11 så arrangerar SMK Uppala finalen i Svensk Offroadcupen på Rörken Motorstadion.

Start kl 10:00


Tävlingen är en typ av orientering med bil i skogen där det ingår specialprov med större utmaningar i form av kladdig lera och branter som kräver winchning. 

Tävlingen är en uthållighetstävling där orienteringkontrollerna är spridda på ett stort område och det går ut på att hitta så många kontroller och så snabb väg som möjligt under 10 timmar.

Specialproven är frivilliga men ger ofta bra extrapoäng. 




Mer information finns i Facebookgruppen

Vid frågor tas kontakt tas per Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.


Formula Offroad Rättvik 2023 Bilder och resultat

Formula Offroad Rättvik 2023

Bilder och resultat.

En lyckad tävling med mycket publik nästan 1100 

betalande i publiken. Där många ser detta som

höjdpunkten på veckan.



Foto: Perra Axelsson

Fler bilder finns i denna länk:




Formula Offroad Rättvik

SMK Uppsala Arrangerar Formula Offroad i Rättvik den 31/7 

Platsen är Jutjärns kalkbrott där vi kör i Upplagshögarna

Start kl 11:00 insläpp från 09:30

entrè från 10 år 180kr

Betalar kontant i entre eller swish.
Swishnummer 123 07 57 690
Gratisbussar finns på Knektplatsen och Rättviksparken tvärs
över vägen från kl 9 och börjar gå när de fyllts upp med evenemangsbesökare.

Servering kommer att finnas på området

Onsdag den 2/8 så gör vi även ett försök att slå världsrekordet

i att köra bil på vatten, dvs få bilen att plana så långt som möjligt.

Detta görs i samband med Watercrossen då det tävlar med 

snöskotrar på siljans vatten. 

Mer information hittar du på: